
This is my very own website. Now I'm officially an internet LandChad

I started learning web development in 2013 after watching my classmate create a website from scratch with ease. In 2014 I picked up Javascript, PHP and Linux, to this day I still work with this stack. After I offed myself from every social media (a wise decision btw, it's bad for your mental health) and deleted every botnet account I needed a place I can call my own. Thus nagato.ddns.net was born, which eventually turned into dzsekszon.net

Although I've merged the complete nagato.dzsekszon.net subdomain with the rest of the site, Banana Nagato will still continue to serve as the mascot for this site.

Even though I have no professional experience in webdev I think I'd do fairly well. dzsekszon.net may seem like a simple website, it actually runs on top of a complex self-written framework called Yuugen (幽玄 - hidden beauty; subtle grace). Yuugen itself was written as part of a homework done for my Informatics 2 class in 2017 and was greatly inspired by Ruby on Rails. It was really fun to develop and I learned so much about PHP, I didn't want the project go to waste so I decided to reuse and improve it for future projects. It's mostly stable and Just Works, I don't need to improve or fix it very often. The name Yuugen comes from an Anki flashcard: before that the project was named A Y Y   F A G G O T S (after a certain meme) and I renamed if only seconds before the prof came to my desk to check and grade my homework.

Privacy notice

There is absolutely no data collection going on apart from the nginx logs - which I regularly scrub anyway because it's full of bots thinking this is a wordpress site and try to hack it with XSS. The only cookie I set is the AYYLMAO session cookie which you can safely block. Everything you see is selfhosted from my living room. This gives me full control over the hardware and network infrastructure, at the cost of having horrible upload speeds. So please be patient while viewing large images, videos or browsing the music corner.

BTW this site runs entirely on free software. I write code with Emacs using the Witchmacs distribution. Other backend-related programs are not disclosed for security reasons, but believe me they are free as in freedom and as in beer.

BNU/Benix nginx Gahnoo slash Marisa

Any kind of feedback is welcome. Feel free to point out bugs, browser incompatibilities or other generic programming fuckups as well as pajeet-tier spelling and phrasing. I'll reward you with a small collection of animu tiddies random pictures of paintings.

All work on this website is mine unless otherwise stated - except for most of the images. Those are either public domain or stolen; sauce linking is already on the todo list.

Sauce on the background image


You can reach me at dzsekszon at protonmail 点 ch. Let's talk about languages - spoken and programming ones. I speak Hungarian, English, Japanese and understand some Russian. As for development I'm fluent in C, C++, bash, PHP and JS. I'm also interested in engineering, Japan, history, guns, electronics, hiking and travel, politics, dancing (ballroom, salsa and bachata), music (especially doujin) and much more.

dzsekszon.net 2020 - 2024

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